Green Mentors - Webinar: August 21, 2020

August 21, 2020

Dr. Rajesh Kamath (Faculty, MHA Program, Department of Health Innovation, PSPH, MAHE, 中国体育彩票app下载) was the Resource Person for the Webinar held on August 21, 2020 Organized by Green Mentors for the Trainees of Hygiene & Infection Control Auditors. Green Mentors is a UNGA Award-winning Nature driven 中国体育彩票app下载 organization, bringing Power of Nature into Education through its Global Green Schooling Concept. Green Mentors is Accredited as a Civil Society Organization by UNITED NATIONS Department of Economic & Social Affairs. The United Nation has selected its Green School Concept as a Global Solution and placed it on UN Global Innovation Exchange. Green Mentors is a GIE's COVID-19 Recognized Innovation organization, Listed on GIE -USAID, DFAT and KOICA COVID-19 Innovation Hub. Green Mentors is auditing and Certifying Working and Learning spaces as Safe spaces from Virus and infection, therefore they are training a team of approx 50 Auditors based in different parts in India as Infection Control Auditors. They will be certified as Accredited Auditors for Infection Control. They can be employed as Infection Control Managers and supervisors in Corporate Houses and Govt. offices.