
Background : Pharmacometrics discipline has gained significant role in drug development and therapeutics. Pharmacometric Modeling and Simulation departments in various pharmaceutical companies and leading universities around the world are expanding their role in critical decision making stages of drug development and in clinical practice. The role of model informed drug development is also envisioned by USFDA in one of their guideline document. With the development of specific pharmacokinetic software packages and advances in computational capabilities, pharmacometric tools are increasingly employed in the bedside dosage regimen decision making for the implementation of precision therapy. There is a need for setting up center for pharmacometrics in MAHE to lead pharmacometric initiatives in India.?


  • To be a leading centre for academic and industry research in the area of pharmacometrics
  • To run academic and training programs to develop the pharmacometric capabilities in the university and at the national level
  • To work with national/international academic and industry stakeholders to promote the science of pharmacometrics and involve in the research programs that contribute to the development of drugs and other health care analytics solutions?


  • Workshops on Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacometrics
  • Certificate course in Basic and Advanced Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacometrics ? Funded industry projects
  • Consultancy work for Industry pharmacometric projects


Dr.Surulivelrajan M, Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, MCOPS


1.?Dr. Mahadev Rao, Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, MCOPS

2.?Dr.Rajesh V,? Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice,? ? MCOPS


