Shastri Indo-Canadian Symposium on “Translational Medicine” by MAHE, 中国体育彩票app下载 and University of Ottawa, Canada”

March 11, 2022

About the Meeting
Translational medicine has pervaded into all the contemporary studies on disease
states. To be at the forefront of fulfilling the unmet needs in time, translational
medicine embodies multidisciplinary approaches. Many human diseases continue to
evade successful diagnosis and treatment and there has been a significant emphasis
in the recent past towards bench to bedside translational research. The symposium
under the aegis of Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute brings together the researchers
and scholars working in different disciplinary areas under one roof to deliberate, to
interact and to promote the contemporary knowledge by forging collaborations.

Topics covered
Fluorescence and Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
Raman Scattering & AI
Microfluidics & 3D Tumor Model
Inflammation & immunity
Genetic and Epigenetics of epithelial cancers




Faculty Reasearch Profile



