Centre for Bio Cultural Studies (CBiCS)

The Centre for Bio Cultural Studies is a transdisciplinary centre. It studies the society/population with holistic approach: Social, Cultural, Medical (Biological, Physical, Mental, Emotional etc.), Environmental and many other aspects of the issues. Bio-cultural studies look at the dynamic relationship between biology, cultural, environmental, social and economic components. ?


To become a leading hub for innovative and collaborative teaching, training and research that transforms Bio-Cultural studies through scientific knowledge, discourse and discoveries.


To develop and implement a research strategy that promotes the CBiCS as a leading hub for scholarly training, research and advocacy in Bio-Cultural studies. The Centre provides the infrastructure, leadership, training and resources to promote integrated scholarly activity, enhance research productivity, and increase external funding of research programs.


  • To conduct researches at the intersections of the society: focusing on behaviours, beliefs, knowledge, attitude, practice experiences etc…
  • To be an active agency for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) promotion, research, training, consultancy, advocacy and policies.
  • To Join/collaborate research initiatives by others in the said areas of interest of the Centre.
  • To reach larger folk of different stakeholders (including public, policy makers, researchers, research institutions, funding agencies, Government and non-government organizations and their officials) by coordinating, hosting / organizing Subnational, National, 中国体育彩票app下载 research projects, seminars, conferences, symposiums, workshops etc…
  • To contribute to the growth and development by producing and publishing articles, reports, policies, policy briefs, and interpretation.


Areas of Interest:

  • Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health.
  • Tribe, Tribal Health and Nutrition
  • Ethnographic studies: community, organization etc.
  • Exploring Ethno/traditional/folk/indigenous medical system.
  • Mental Health
  • Healthy ageing
  • Migration
  • Nutrition
  • Burden of Disease
  • SDGs and MDGs
  • Evidence generation: Evidence Gap Map, Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis and Synthesis.


Centre Coordinator

Dr Praveen Hoogar Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Directorate of 中国体育彩票app下载

中国体育彩票app下载 Academy of Higher Education, 中国体育彩票app下载
